
ARB 1780210 BASE Rack Eyebolt Tie-Downs; Spring Loaded; One Pair;

Original price was: $49.25.Current price is: $39.40.

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SKU: QCSAS83431910 Category:

The BASE Rack takes accessories and cargo loading to a whole new level of simplicity speed and personalisation With a choice of sizes accessories and attachments you can truly Make It Your Own By incorporating a dovetail extrusion around both the full perimeter and along each edge of the internal beams the BASE Rack provides endless mounting and attachment options Adding removing and repositioning accessories and roof loads is quick and easy with the BASE Racks dovetail system making it easier to install and remove individual items without disturbing the whole load Plus unlike traditional roof rack channels the BASE Rack dovetail extrusion wont collect dust and debris Each BASE Rack accessory or fixture attaches to the rack with a simple clamp mount including larger hardware such as HiLift Jack mounts rollers recovery boards and even a BASE Rack custom light bar


Installation Instructions


AddOn N/A
DescriptionASC The ARB BASE Rack Accessories video provides a 360degree view of available BASE Rack accessories installed on the BASE Rack
DescriptionASC The ARB BASE Rack Guard Rail Options video provides a 360degree view of all BASE Rack guard rail options that can be installed on the BASE Rack including Front 1/4 Guard Rail Front 3/4 Guard Rail Full Guard Rail and Trade Side Guard Rail
DescriptionDEF Roof Rack Accessory
DescriptionDES BASE Rack Eyebolt Tie Downs
DescriptionDES BASE Rack Eyebolt TieDowns
DescriptionEXT ARB BASE Rack Eyebolt Tie Downs
DescriptionEXT BASE Rack Eyebolt TieDowns Spring Loaded One Pair
DescriptionEXT One Pair
DescriptionEXT Spring Loaded
DescriptionFAB 440Lbs Lashing Capacity
DescriptionFAB Made From Stainless Steel
DescriptionFAB QuickRelease TieDowns Store In Vehicle When Not In Use
DescriptionFAB Simple HalfTurn Fits Or Removes Anywhere Along The Dovetail
DescriptionFAB Supplied As A Set Of Two 1 Pair
DescriptionFAB Supplied As A Set Of Two 1 Pair
DescriptionINV ARB BASE Rack Eyebolt Tie Downs
DescriptionMKT The BASE Rack takes accessories and cargo loading to a whole new level of simplicity speed and personalisation With a choice of sizes accessories and attachments you can truly Make It Your Own By incorporating a dovetail extrusion around both the full perimeter and along each edge of the internal beams the BASE Rack provides endless mounting and attachment options Adding removing and repositioning accessories and roof loads is quick and easy with the BASE Racks dovetail system making it easier to install and remove individual items without disturbing the whole load Plus unlike traditional roof rack channels the BASE Rack dovetail extrusion wont collect dust and debris Each BASE Rack accessory or fixture attaches to the rack with a simple clamp mount including larger hardware such as HiLift Jack mounts rollers recovery boards and even a BASE Rack custom light bar
DescriptionSHO BASE Rack TieDowns
DescriptionSHO RRackTieDownAnchor
height 90
length 130
Prop 65 Yes/No No
Title ARB 1780210 BASE Rack Eyebolt Tie Downs
weight 200
width 120


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